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Marvel Rumors: Coogler Wanted For X-Men – Wan And Black Cat For Spider-Man 4 | Barside Buzz

Marvel rumors on the Barside Buzz, we have Ryan Coogler wanted for X-Men director, plus James Wan and Black Cat rumored for Spider-Man 4.

Check out the latest Marvel rumors on the Barside Buzz, we have Ryan Coogler wanted for X-Men director, plus James Wan and Black Cat rumored for Spider-Man 4. All of the claims today were first reported by leaker MTTSH, some on her sub service and some as live posts on social media. Let’s start with Ryan Coogler.

MTTSH claims that Ryan Coogler has already signed up to direct Black Panther 3 for Marvel. However, she also claims Marvel are courting Coogler as possible director for their X-Men reboot. As always, take any rumor with a pinch of salt, but this one does kinda make sense. Coogler is a director Marvel are very happy with. I wasn’t a huge fan of Black Panther 2, but I blame the decision to not recast T’Challa for that one.

I would hope that somehow Black Panther 3 features T’Challa’s son, somehow aged up as the lead. However, I could see Coogler being a great choice for X-Men also. It may be some time before Marvel announces the X-Men reboot and who will direct it, it’s not expected to go into production until late 2025.

RELATED: Dwayne Johnson Being Courted For Apocalypse Role In MCU | Barside Buzz

The leaker also claims that director James Wan is on the shortlist to direct Spider-Man 4. Additionally, she claims that this new Spider-Man film will feature the MCU debut of Black Cat. In terms of my opinions on these rumors if true? I’m a fan of introducing Black Cat, especially with an older Peter. I am however less of a fan of anything James Wan has directed and I don’t like him as a choice for this movie at all. Admittedly, I haven’t seen all Wan’s movies, but I had issues with any I did see. I kinda liked the first Aquaman, but it wasn’t that well made a movie. I’ll therefore be hoping this rumor does not pan out.

Lastly the laker also claims that Sony are pushing ahead with a live-action Spider-Gwen movie. If true, are Sony finally realizing they actually need a Spider-Person of some kind in their cheap-azz franchise? I think I speak for all movie lovers when I say, who cares? Do what you want Sony, no one is watching your piece of **** SSMU movies.

So, what do you think of these latest Marvel rumors? Black Panther 3 coming and Ryan Coogler courted for the X-Men reboot, is he a good choice? What about James Wan or Black Cat for Spider-Man 4? As always, leave any thoughts below.

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