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Marvel Rumors On Madame Web And Adam Warlock | Barside Buzz

Marvel Rumors On Madame Web And Adam Warlock | Barside Buzz

Today we share some Marvel rumors on Madame Web and Adam Warlock. As you are probably aware Madame Web is owned by Sony Pictures and Adam Warlock by Marvel Studios. We are therefore potentially branching into both cinematic Universes here. However I felt either story on it’s own wasn’t enough to warrant a full article so here we are with a roundup. Both of these rumors come from insider Daniel Richtman. I know his Patreon hit rate is hit and miss, but normally the items he tweets out have a solid hit rate.

Let’s start in the MCU, the popular one. After much speculation, could Adam Warlock actually make his MCU debut in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Warlock was teased in the close of Guardians 2, as you can see from the header image. However I’m sure James Gunn doesn’t want to give any more details about his upcoming movie yet. Nevertheless, Richtman says that he’s discovered Warlock will indeed be making his debut in Guardians 3.

It does seem a no brainer, the character is very popular amongst comic fans and the set up s already there. However as with all rumors just take a dash of salt for now.

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Second up we have Madame Web. Remember those rumors that Madame Web was getting her own movie? My own thoughts were, why? Who cares about Madame Web as a main character? Sony’s Spider-Man Universe is something they want to push into high gear, but without Spider-Man, I don’t see it. However according to Richtman, getting Spider-Man into the SSMU seems to be the point.

Could a Madame Web movie introduce something like Miles Morales or one of the older Peter Parker’s back into the SSMU? I’m not so sure if Tom Holland would sign a multi-picture deal with Sony when he knows Marvel Studios are not involved. Who knows though for sure?

I know I want Holland to stay in the MCU. Therefore, I really don’t care what else Sony does with the Spider-Verse or various Spider-Men.

What do you think of these Marvel rumors on Madame Web and Adam Warlock? Sound off below as always.

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