Behold your new Avengers. Aren’t they grand looking? Well, according to a lot of people, no. There are complaints that Iron Man’s armor is too plain or bland looking, that Black Widow looks like Lord Farquad from Shrek, and that Captain America’s costume/armor is out of character and looks bad. I wonder if we didn’t have the Marvel Cinematic Universe, would people still be unhappy with these designs? Maybe, but I think there’d be fewer people upset.
So why didn’t Marvel and Crystal Dynamics use the so familiar and beloved faces of Evas, Hemsworth, Johansson, Ruffalo, and Downy Jr.? Well the game’s director, Shaun Escayg, had this to say:
“We knew we wanted to make an original Avengers game and go back to the roots in the comic books. We wanted to clearly show that this was our spin on the Avengers. Even the way we cast these characters was based on our story and our narrative.”
This makes sense to me. You want this to be its own thing and not be tied to expectations set by the MCU, but those expectations already exist. The MCU has been around for 11 years and 22 movies and people, myself included, even hear the actors’ voices when reading the comics. It’s not fair to the game’s creators, but they’ll have to work extra hard to make us care for this version of the Avengers.
What do you think about the character designs? Would you rather the game creators spend the money to license the MCU looks? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: THR