You know, when I really like a movie and am highly anticipating a sequel, it seems like an eternity before its next release. That hasn’t been the same regarding a film that was supposed to be released this weekend: Justice League 2. Now I didn’t completely hate Justice League like the majority. Of course, it had numerous glaring issues, but it was watchable for me.
Maybe this date crept up on me seeing as we have known pretty much since the release of JL that the film would definitely not be having a follow-up (especially with the $50-100 million loss it took). Instead, the DCEU had to restructure its initial 10 film slate they released in 2014, and has since focused on individual character films, which has been to their benefit, as CBR suggests:
“Warner Bros. previously said it will downplay the shared cinematic universe elements of the superhero franchise following the successes of Wonder Woman and Aquaman. The studio appears to be shifting focus toward individual characters such as Wonder Woman, Shazam, Aquaman, and Harley Quinn, the latter of whom will star in a bevy of films starting with next year’s Birds of Prey (And the Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).”
Zack Synder had originally planned for a trilogy, but with Joss Whedon coming on board and the two directorial worlds colliding, we ended up with quite the dysfunctional mashup as a result for the first film, which has also left many fans wanting (and protesting…) for a “Snyder Cut”, which won’t be happening.
Anyways, this weekend would have been the day for a JL sequel and CBR went on to report what little information is out there regarding the nonexistent film:
“There’s not a lot that we know for certain about the abandoned sequel, but there’s some indication Darkseid would have appeared in Justice League and then would have become a major focus in Justice League 2. Snyder indicated Batman v Superman featured a reference to his plans for Justice League 2in the form of crosses during Superman’s death scene. Snyder also said he would have killed off Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne/Batman at some point.”
Whether you liked the film or not, I can’t help but wonder what the sequel would have brought. The original suggested storyline, much of which is incorporated above, sounds really interesting to me. Now that doesn’t mean the follow through would have been as good as the plot, but it sounds interesting nonetheless.
The original slate had Ezra Miller’s Flash film coming out last year while Cyborg was slated for next year followed by a Green Lantern movie coming out on June 19, 2020. Those either obviously (or more than likely) are not happening due to the aftermath of JL.
RELATED — DC Films Producer Seems To Hint At No Justice League 2 For A Good While
With the focus on individual characters and the restructuring of the DC films, what character would you like to see portrayed next, hoping they can keep consistent with films such as Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Shazam? Would you like to have seen Snyder’s Justice League 2, or are you glad that it will never see the light of day? I know it is a stretch, but were you hoping to see a Flash, Cyborg, or Green Lantern film in the old continuity? Leave your thoughts in the usual spot, and thanks for reading!
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Source: CBR