Over the weekend a rumor surfaced initially from MCU Cosmic, that Marvel was working on a Hawkeye show for one of their upcoming limited series on Disney Play or perhaps even a movie, but the limited TV series seems more likely. We already know that both Loki and Scarlet Witch are getting the same treatment.
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However, before we even had a chance to write about this rumor, there has been an update again from the same outlet, who claims to have more information from their sources. Apparently, the show will focus on Clint Barton aka Hawkeye training up a new archer to take his place. This matches a comic book storyline for Hawkeye where he trained Kate Bishop as his protégé.
Now, this also comes on the heels of a story that 13 Reasons Why actress Katherine Langford has filmed scenes for Avengers 4. Cue fans adding up rumors and evidence and coming up with Langford being introduced as Bishop in Avengers 4 and this relationship being explored in more detail in the limited series on Disney Play or a Hawkeye movie.
As with all rumors, we won’t speak to the validity of this claim, what we will say is that in the past the outlet has got a few scoops correct and also got a few wrong. So judge for yourself on this one or hold fire until we hear something more concrete. If Langford really is being included as Bishop in Avengers 4, then we are unlikely to hear anything much official until into next year I don’t think.
What do you make of the rumor, do you think Hawkeye passing off the torch as he did in the comics would work here? Let’s us know your thoughts in the usual place below.
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