More Ships Coming To Star Wars Squadrons After Launch???

Star Wars: Squadrons is a first-person space shooter that focuses on five on five team battles using a variety of classic Star Wars ships. The ships are broken down into four different categories. These include a fighter, interceptor, support, and bomber. In the initial announcement of the we could see recognizable ships like the X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing, U-Wing, TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, and TIE Reaper fighters.  Later after the announcement EA confirmed that their would only be eight ships (four ships for each side) available for the game which had many Star Wars fans puzzled.  With the Star Wars universe having so many different star ships around why would EA limit the game to just eight ships.  Well it may seem that there maybe more ships on the way after the launch of Star Wars: Squadrons.


In an interview with Red Bull, Creative Director of Star Wars Squadrons, Ian Frazier was able to talk more in depth about their inspiration for the game and different pieces from all of Star Wars that they added in the game. When asked if there was any plans to add more ships to the game and he had this to say.

“I can tell you that the eight ships that we’ve shown are the playable ships that we intend to have at launch,” says Frazier. “There are other ships that you’ll see in the story and so on, but as far as playable ships, those are the eight you should expect at launch.”



It sounds like we will need to get comfortable with the ships at the initial launch but as always expect an update down the road.  From the initial clips and gameplay trailer Star Wars: Squadrons looks to the best starfighter pilot game the Star Wars gaming franchise has seen since the classic PC X-wing and Tiefighter games.


After the release of the trailers almost everyone agrees that the game looks amazing and has many looking forward to playing this on VR. Also I am excited to be able to customize the fighters. Changing the look and the weapons on the ships is going to make it a lot more interesting. What makes it even more appealing is the low price point of $39.99. Also it’s great that it will include cross-play between platforms. Are you excited for Star Wars: Squadrons? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Source: Red Bull

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