If you haven’t heard Ed Boon and company have been hard at work on a new installment of Mortal Kombat, the upcoming entry will be the mark the eleventh game in the franchise. While fans were given quite a bit on information yesterday, along with gameplay footage, one of the more interesting things, is the prologue.
I don’t know about you, but I always try to get involved in the story of any game I am playing, I also rarely, if ever skip cut scenes, probably because the games I played growing up, didn’t have the graphics, nor the effort put into the storylines like games do today.
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In the video above we see that Raiden has decapitated the elder god Shinnok, and in doing so has angered Kronika, the keeper of time. It’s nice to see Raiden take that extra step, but he may have stepped too far, as being able to control time is probably going to be more valuable than being able to harness thunder and lightning. Overall I am happy with the direction the story has taken and look forward to playing through the story mode.
This is a franchise that really needs a film reboot. The movies made in the early and mid-ninties were just awful, and a property that is beloved such as this one, deserves better.
What do you think of the premise for Mortal Kombat 11? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Mortal Kombat