Mortal Kombat Film Casts Its Raiden, Jax, And Mileena

It’s a big day for Mortal Kombat fans. We’ve already reported on Power Rangers star Ludi Lin being in talks to join the project as Liu Kang, but he’s not the only character who’s making progress in his transition to the big screen. THR has not only corroborated that previous report, but has three more casting news pieces to throw our way.

The first two are familiar faces. First up, we have Japanese thespian Tadanobu Asano. You may not recognize his name, but you likely saw him in the Thor franchise as Hogun, one of the Warriors Three who was killed off unceremoniously in Thor: Ragnarok. He will be playing the role of Raiden, the Japanese god of thunder, which acts as a bit of poetic justice after his death in the previously-mentioned Marvel film.

RELATED – Mortal Kombat: Power Rangers Star Ludi Lin In Talks To Play Liu Kang

Next up is Mehcad Brooks, who is perhaps best known for his role as James Olsen in the Supergirl TV series. He will be playing the role of Jackson “Jax” Briggs, a Special Forces members with metal arms. 

Last up is Australian actress Sisi Stringer, who is a relative newcomer. She will be playing the role of Mileena, a sai-wielding assassin who is also the evil clone twin to Princess Kitana.

As you can probably tell, this movie looks to be a diverse offering. This is no accident, as New Line Cinema hopes to appeal to the international appeal of the game, which is a smart move in our increasingly-small world, especially with financially riskier films.

What do you think of this cast? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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