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MoviePass Apparently Resubscribing Customers Who Canceled Their Subscription

Are you one of the many folks who unsubscribed from MoviePass in the wake of all that drama surrounding its general usability? If so, you may want to check your email and your account info, because the movie subscription company may very well have UNcanceled your account without your permission.

If you canceled your subscription between your last billing cycle and the upcoming one, they very well may have ignore it and enrolled you in their new plan, as one Twitter user shared on the social media platform:

Perhaps even scarier, some Twitter users have reported that when they try to cancel their subscriptions, that they get an error message, as shown in this message below:

Indeed it looks like MoviePass is either doing some shady-ass business practices, or is going through some kind of glitch issue the likes of which we have never seen before. While I’d personally like to give them the benefit of the doubt here, given their track record, it wouldn’t shock me if this was a deliberate move on their part to retain their user base.

Were you ever a MoviePass subscriber, and if you canceled your plan, did you get this email? Will anyone ever be able to quit, or has MoviePass officially started holding their users hostage? Needless to say, they’ll have quite the PR mess to clean up after all this.

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SOURCE: Business Insider, Courtney Guth, Chase Mitchell

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