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RUMOR: How Kingsman 3 Ties Into Another Upcoming Spin-Off Film

When last we heard from filmmaker Matthew Vaughn, he had huge plans for the Kingsman franchise. Sure, that second film, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, may not have scratched the itch as we’d hoped, but at the end of the day, it managed to make $410 million worldwide, just $4 million short of its predecessor, cementing itself as a solid box-office-friendly franchise.

This gives Vaughn plenty of room to explore the world in future films, with a Kingsman 3 in the works, along with a spin-off movie, Kingsman: The Great Game. He also is planning another film and an eight-episode TV series…but let’s take a look at two of those films, starting with Kingsman 3.

RELATED – Kingsman 3 Happening, Along With Two Spin-Off Films And A TV Series

According to our friends over at That Hashtag Show, Kingsman 3 is looking to begin production in the UK in January, which bodes well for its script development. But, perhaps more interesting, is its supposed ties to The Great Game. According to the outlet, it will be used to set up The Great Game with the cocky teen character of Conrad supposedly (somehow) playing into that spin-off film, which chronicles an earlier time in Kingsman (more specifically, the early 20th Century). The teen character wants to serve in World War I, and the Kingsman potentially give him that opportunity.

They also plan on introducing an older character in that third film, one from an previous generation, and while they are still casting, apparently, Ralph Fiennes is one of their op choices to take on the role.

At this point, it’s not clear just how a teen character ties into a movie that takes place decades prior, but I’ve reached out to the author of the piece for clarification, and he stated that the cocky teen’s scenes will likely be in flashback form in Kingsman 3.

What do you think of these details? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: That Hashtag Show

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