I’ll admit, I had my doubts. Why in the world would Netflix get into bed with Mark Millar’s publishing company MillarWorld? I mean, sure I can understand them wanting Millar to create original IP for them to take advantage of in TV and film form, but to publish comics? It seemed like an odd move for a company called Netflix to start churning out books, but I guess that’s just a natural progression of things.
Deadline is reporting that Millar’s and Netflix’s inaugural comic series The Magic Order — which is set to come out next week — will likely be selling out. According to the outlet, the first issue of the comic, which is illustrated by Olivier Coipel, is set to be the most successful debut in nearly 20 years.
“The second biggest pre-order of the last twenty years was Jupiter’s Legacy, which I released back in 2012,” comic vet Millar told the outlet. “Prior to this, you need to go back to 1998 for these kind of orders on a brand-new franchise.”
I suppose it’s no surprise. With series like Kick-Ass and Kingsman under his belt, it’s not as though Millar’s name doesn’t carry weight, but they are still facing some stiff competition from the big two.
“It’s a very competitive month we’ve been released in. Marvel went all out and DC has just relaunched the Superman franchise for the first time in over thirty years. We’ve come in higher than almost every single Marvel and DC book, which is crazy for something brand new. I don’t know if Superman is above or below us, the actual chart position apparently being too close to call, which is just nuts.”
The Magic Order follows a family of magicians who find themselves mysteriously under attack. You can check out the trailer for the comic at the top of the article.
Will you be picking up the comic this coming week? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Deadline