Netflix Developing Death Note Sequel

At last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, I had a chance to check out a special screening of Netflix’s long-awaited adaptation of the popular shonen supernatural thriller manga series, Death Note. The film starred Nat Wolff, Lakeith Stanfield, and Willem Dafoe, and while the movie was about as far away from the source material as one could get, I did enjoy it for the fun, gory camp it offered.

I was pretty much alone, it seemed.

Fans and critics pretty much tore that thing to shreds, and one look at a long list of videos on YouTube picking the flick apart is all you need to be convinced that Netflix had made a big mistake, never to be repeated again. It’s been over a year since that movie hit the streaming service, and in the film world, silence usually means failure, and I didn’t expect any follow-up ever to be announced.

Again, I was wrong.

In a huge piece on the future of film for Netflix, THR dropped a key detail regarding Death Note. Not only did Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos call the Adam Wingard-directed film a “sizable success,” but they stated that the film is in development from Greg Russo. It doesn’t really give us any more details, nor does it specify which Greg Russo, but I’d put money on the fact that it’s the same guy working on Resident Evil film reboot with James Wan.

As far as where the story can go, if you saw that first movie, it left things off at a semi-cliffhanger. I’d initially read that ending as a confirmation that the main character was about to die but assuming he wasn’t, it’ll basically give Stanfield’s L the continued moral high ground going forward. Hopefully, with this next film, they can actually show off more of the cat-and-mouse stuff the manga is known for.

Are you looking forward to another Death Note film? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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