Image via Millennium
While Stallone has definitely made his mark on the film industry in many ways, it goes without saying that the two roles he’s best known for are Rocky Balboa and John Rambo. Both franchises contain far too many movies than was ever necessary, and in the 2000s, Stallone revisited both franchises for what was supposed to be one final go. These “final” movies were respectively entitled Rambo and Rocky Balboa. Both were relative high points for their franchises in terms of quality, and gave some pretty good closure on these decades-old characters.
Of course, we now know that Rocky would return in Creed, a film that many consider to be almost on par with the original Rocky, and now it sounds like we may be seeing John Rambo return to the silver screen yet again — except with one key change.
According to THR, a new Rambo film is in the works entitled Rambo: New Blood. On board to write the film for Nu Image and Millennium Films is a new talent, Brooks McLaren, and set to direct is Criminal director Ariel Vromen. The big change here is that Stallone will not be reprising his role as John Rambo, and the studios will instead hire some “new blood,†as it were, to carry this new potential franchise.
There are no plot details at this moment, and it’s admittedly hard to get to stoked over a film from a writer we know nothing about, but it is worth noting that McLaren had one of his scripts, entitled How It Ends, ended up on the Black List — a list of “most liked†unproduced screenplays for the year — back in 2010. Clearly, the writer has some talent if they were able to do that, but we still have very little go on.
As far as Stallone’s non-involvement, it’s hard to feel bad about that. As great as Stallone is, he’d long since outgrown John Rambo as a character, and the era of action heroes like him are gone. If they must reboot the character (and I’d contest that they don’t need to), it makes sense to have an action hero more in line with today’s sensibilities.
What do you think? Are you excited to see this new Rambo film hit theaters, or is this one of those properties Hollywood should just let die? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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