“#ReleaseTheSnyderCut.” I’m sure you’ve heard of it at least once. It’s possible that you may be amongst the group of passionate supporters dedicated to getting out what they believe is the true vision of director Zack Snyders Justice League film. You may recall all the behind the scenes noise from the production after director Zack Snyder stepped down in the wake of his daughter’s unfortunate suicide.
The resulting movie was more like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster than Snyder’s pure vision. While attending NYCC, I met a loyal supporter of the movement. His sign was a beacon, calling other would-be supporters to come over and find out more about this movement. Below is my interview with a gentleman who preferred to be identified by his Twitter handle “Signs2323”.
LRM: So, what do you think it will take to get the Snyder cut of Justice League Released?
SIGNS2323: I would just say it’s going to take persistence with what we have done, and I would just say the more people are aware of it and the more media picks it up.
LRM: How do you think Warner Bros will respond?
SIGNS2323: We’ve put Warner Brothers in a corner.
LRM: Does a Snyder cut exist?
SIGNS2323: Yes. All the facts are on the table. Getting the facts out is the most important thing. And once all that has happened cast members speak up like Jason Momoa which he has done.
LRM: How long before fans get the cut they deserve?
SIGNS2323: I think it’s just a matter of time. They’re waiting for their specific window to release it, trying to find a way to market it in a way that doesn’t make them look bad. But they need a logical feasible way to market it.
LRM: You guys are very persistent. Do you think Warner Bros sees your efforts?
SIGNS2323: I think we’ve made enough noise. We’ve promoted this movie for two years for free. And I think we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing.
LRM: What else are you promoting today?
SIGNS2323: You know raising awareness for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention and carrying the goodwill of everyone across the globe. This kind of passion and loyalty, I don’t think you can buy. We represent a hardcore base that would love to see the real movie and I think it’s just a matter of time.
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