Own the Room Exclusive Clip with Daniela Blanco Making A Pitch

There are a million business ideas out there. Only very few will get funded to make their idea come to fruition.

From the documentary team behind Science Fair, a new documentary Own the Room follows five entrepreneurs from different corners of the planet vying for the top prize at the annual Global Student Entrepreneur Awards.

The five chosen students included Santosh from a small farming town in Nepal; Alondra works at the register of her family’s bakery in Puerto Rico; Henry is a programming wiz from Nairobi; Jason is a marketing machine from Greece; and Daniel, an immigrant fleeing from the Venezuelan crisis and taking on the chemistry industry from her lab at NYU.

Each of the business hopefuls had to overcome great obstacles in pursuing their dreams from hurricanes to poverty, to even civil unrest. As they represent their countries as the top student entrepreneurs, they’ll have a chance to gain worldwide recognition and the coveted $100,000 grand prize money to make their business dream into reality and change the world.

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This is the sophomore documentary from the filmmakers Cristina Constantini and Darren Foster, who won an Emmy Award and Dupont Award for Science Fair.

Own the Room documentary premieres on Disney+ as part of the National Geographic Documentary Film series starting on March 12.

LRM Online exclusive obtained a clip of one of the five entrepreneurs featured in the documentary. Daniela Blanco is a chemical scientist looking for a way to efficiently process a safer renewable chemical process in products in hopes to use fewer resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She is one of the co-founders of Sunthetics.

Watch the exclusive clip below. Let us know what you think. The exclusive interview video with Daniela Blanco will be published on this site tomorrow.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive, National Geographic, Disney+

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