For decades, the Los Angele’s Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary challenged the conservative patriarchal perspective of a local cardinal and eventually broke off. The history of conflicts and changes for this Los Angeles sect was documented in Rebel Hearts by Pedro Kos.
Here’s the official synopsis:
In 1960s Los Angeles a trailblazing group of nuns, The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, bravely stood up to the patriarchy of the Catholic Church, fighting for equality, their livelihoods, and their own freedom against an all-powerful Cardinal who sought to keep them in their place. Their bolds act of faith, defiance, and activism turned the Church upside down, helping to reshape our society in ways that continue to resonate today. From marching in Selma in 1965 to the Women’s March in 2018, they challenged the notion of what a nun and a woman were supposed to be.
These unlikely resistance fighters, including Anita Caspary, Helen Kelley, Pat Reif, and iconic pop artist Corita Kent, were devoted to a life of service, not only to others but to themselves – forming a community that empowered each sister to live up to their fullest potential. Their desire to bring the church into modern life was met with forceful opposition at every turn. As each of them discovered their own talents and voices, they fully stepped into their roles as leaders in a movement that is still making waves.
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LRM Online’s Gig Patta discussed with director Pedro Kos, along with subjects Lenore Dowling and Rosa Manriquez on the Rebel Hearts documentary. We talked about the movement, the history, and the putting it all together as a fascinating history.
Pedro Kos recently wrote and produced Netflix’s documentary The Great Hack. His feature directorial debut as a co-director with Kief Davidson was with Bending the Arc, which premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. He is from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and received his bachelor’s in theater directing from Yale University.
Rebel Hearts documentary is now streaming on discovery+.
Watch the exclusive interview with Pedro Kos, Lenore Dowling, and Rosa Manriquez below. Let us know what you think.
Source: LRM Online Exclusive, discovery+