Picard Season 3 Finale Sets Up Potential Spin-Off Or Sequel And I hope It Gets Made

Since the finale of Picard Season 3 you may have come across the name Star Trek: Legacy? So what is this show about, and will it get made?

The Picard Season 3 finale sets up a potential spin-off show, or sequel, and I for one hope it gets made. Whilst I won’t go into full spoiler details about the Picard finale, there is is still going to SPOILERS here so be aware. If you’ve not watched the Picard finale, I suggest doing so and checking back later.

I’ll start with a mini review of Season 3 of Picard. Frankly, it was bloody brilliant from start to finish and the finale was a perfect way to end it. I didn’t care at all for Picard Season 1 and I actively despised Season 2. So when I praise Season 3 like this you know I’m not just someone who loves anything with the Trek name on it. However, I did love the TNG era TV series including Deep Space Nine and Voyager and this Season is essential viewing for any fan of those shows. Possibly my favorite ever Season of a Star Trek show and that’s heady praise indeed.

Perfect mix of fun, drama, conflict, development for so many characters, and a healthy mix of nostalgia. I know we are in the nostalgia era, but often I find it disappointing in film and TV. Picard Season 3, as said, has a healthy dose of nostalgia. Moments are given time to breathe and build so that when they bring out the memberberries it hits well.

Grade: A+

Spin-Off or Sequel?

The Picard Season 3 finale sets up a potential spin-off show, or sequel, and I for one hope it gets made. Beware SPOILERS!

This is where the SPOILERS Kick in folks. I won’t get into how dramatic events concluded, but I will discuss the aftermath of the drama. Seven of Nine gets a promotion to Captain from Admiral Tuvok, one recommended by Captain Shaw (aw). We then see that Jack has been fast tracked through Star Fleet….

[Okay, that one was a bit of a slice of convenience, but frankly I don’t want to wait 5 years for Jack to go through school. They also mention that nepotism may have had an influence given his parents are now both Admirals. Oh, that’s right Beverley got a promotion to head of all Star Fleet medical.]

Anyway, Jack has been assigned a new station and his parents see him on board. It turns out, to Jean Luc’s surprise that the Titan has been renamed Enterprise in honor of those who hijacked the ship. Of course, you know who the Captain is, it’s Seven and her number one is Rafi. Jack gets a position that essentially amounts to number two and the ship heads off to who knows where?

If that was not enough, we get a post-credit (kinda) stinger. Jack is in his ship quarters and Q turns up to say hello. Though Jean Luc’s trial has ended, Jack’s has just begun…..


Now, I’m not the biggest Q fan. However, the main point is the intention to carry on. So far we have no idea if we are getting a show called Picard Season 4? It could be a new show with a new title following the new crew also? Even without Stewart, the Picard name now carries on either way. Given how things ended, you get the feeling this was the last we will get the OG TNG Enterprise crew together. This was a great last hurrah for them all. However, there is no reason why any of these characters could not show up in either a sequel or a spin-off series. i just don’t see them all together again. This was the perfect close for them as central protagonists. It’s time for the next, next generation.

It seems like Jack will be the lead character with Seven and Rafi as the secondary leads. The likes of Sidney LaForge being a tertiary lead makes sense, and perhaps a romantic link with Jack brewing? Whilst we may miss the old crew, the writing quality of Season 3 leaves me in no doubt this team could craft a great series with the new team. The trick may be making sure that writing team sticks together. The danger is we get something more akin to Season 2 and no one wants that.

RELATED: What Happened To Picard Season 3? A Discussion

As said, there is still room for some nostalgic cameos.You’d expect Sidney to check in with Geordi from time to time. Jack may check in with Beverely or Jean Luc. Rafi has the connection to Worf also. Meanwhile, in Seven we have connections back to all the Voyager characters. Janeway is I think top of the tree in Star Fleet canonically right now for example. Politically, the end of the Romulan Empire, the friendship with Klingons, the end of the Dominion and now perhaps the end of the Borg leaves a new landscape. What trials and tribulations will present themselves in this new Galaxy? Will there be new threats from beyond to provide conflict? It’s all set up for new stories.

I’m betting we get an announcement of what’s next soon from Paramount. This is the perfect sandbox to carry on with a younger team, an bring in one or two new characters to fill out the quota. I’m sure Paramount already knows that Picard Season 3 is being reviewed very strongly, so I’m hoping whatever comes next is greenlit already.

The Picard Season 3 finale sets up a potential spin-off show, or sequel, and I for one hope it gets made. Do you agree, have you liked Season 3 and want to see more? Thoughts below as always.

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