The Power Rangers are going to blast their way into theaters soon, and so promotion is starting to ramp up. As more comes out for the film, the better a look we get at the way Dean Israelite and his team have reimagined the beloved TV series. Lately I’ve been sharing images of action figures with you, but today I’ve got some Power Rangers stuff that looks decidedly cooler.
As part of their promotion for the tie-in virtual reality (VR) game Power Rangers: Zords Rising, we’ve got a look at how Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) will look next to the Rangers and, more importantly, we get our first real look at what the Command Center will look like in the reboot.
Check out these images for Power Rangers: Zords Rising:
As we’ve seen in the trailers thus far, the designers for the Power Rangers reboot are going for something truly otherworldly. Everything is very rocky, subterranean, and glow-y. Instead of being set atop a mountain, like on Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, everything is deep below the earth’s surface…and yet looks like it could be a completely different planet.
Also, a couple of days ago this blurry, off-screen photo of Bryan Cranston as Zordon leaked onto the net and I wasn’t able to get it to you because of technical difficulties, so here it is (better late than never!):
Of all of the Power Rangers stuff I’ve had the chance to share with you in the last month or so, this is definitely the coolest. It sure as hell beats Goldar, the Putty Patrol, and those hideous Zord toys.
Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.
Power Rangers comes out on March 24.
SOURCE: Comic Book Movie