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Producer Shawn Levy Talks Up Stranger Things 3

Judging by the schedule of the show’s first two seasons, fans of the show should be getting excited for a third season of Stranger Things, however that isn’t the case this time around as the show is taking an extended hiatus with plans to air sometime next year. Executive producer on the show, Shawn Levy, recently spoke with The Playlist, and discussed how Stranger Things continues to inspire him everyday as well as keeping him very busy.

“And I will tell you, you know, Stranger Things has been, on a day-to-day, every single day, basis, every bit as gratifying as any movie I’ve directed. It’s just, not only the popularity of the show and the outcome, but as I just experienced while directing season 3, it just remains inspiring on a daily basis, in a way that few movies ever are. So, you know, it’s definitely keeping me more than busy while I wait for the right movie and the right moment to line up on the feature side.”

RELATED: Stranger Things – New Featurette Reveals Idea Behind The Show’s Casting

Which way Levy and the Duffer brothers choose to take the show remains to be seen. Up to this point, fans have only received a teaser, which didn’t really give any clues to what Season 3 has in store or where it may be headed. What we do know is there will surely be lots of nostalgia, and of course some sort of supernatural happenings (personally I am hoping for ghosts or aliens).

If you’ve have read any of my other Stranger Things articles, then you will know that while I wasn’t disappointed with the show’s second season, I wasn’t nearly as entertained as I was in the first season. Hopefully with the extra time the showr-runners are taking between seasons, hopefully they will bring fans something closer to the addictive nature of Season 1.

Where does Stranger Things go in Season 3? Let us know your predictions in the comments down below!

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Source: The Playlist

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