Avengers: Infinity War took many of our favorite heroes away from us. And even though the majority of fans knew (or at least hoped) the snappening wouldn’t be permanent, none of us could be comepletely sure.
As it turns out, it wasn’t jsut moviegoers who were affected, Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr. RDJ ended up seeing the film with a fan, who unfortunately wasn’t able to make it to the theater, you can read below on how Downey was influenced by the child.
“It was crazy to shoot it, but it was just another day, and then we were at lunch and doing stuff, because it’s a movie. But then I think seeing it — and I happened to see it with this amazing Scottish kid who couldn’t go to a theater — so I saw it with him, and his reaction really effed me up. So I think what a lot of us are looking forward to is, like Kevin [Feige] always says, it’s that surprise and delight experience with Endgame. It’s one of those things where you go, ‘Wow, I think we just made a pretty serious choice.’ But I think audiences like that. I think audiences are so smart and now so… they require to not be fed the same drivel as even twenty minutes ago. We need novelty and I think what the Russos and Kevin have been able to do is provide that in spades.”
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Every once in a while, even within our world of nerdy fillms and television shows, there are scenes that get us, right in the feels. While several heroes turned to ash, considering Spider-Man is like the little brother to the Avengers, and us fans, his ashing hit a little bit harder.
A couple other scenes like this come to mind, ones which I try my best to avoid. The first being the scene in Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince, where no matter what, Harry cannot give Dumbledore any water. It’s awful to watch Dumbledore beg, and worse to watch Harry deny him.
The other scene is in the first season of Game of Thrones, when Sansa Stark’s lie leads to her innocent direwolf, Lady, being killed by her father Ned.
What are some of the most difficult scenes for you to watch? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: CinemaBlend