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RUMOR: Disney Streaming Service Could Have Two More Marvel Series In Addition To Loki And Scarlet Witch

It’s become very clear over the past several months that Disney is bringing out the big guns with their streaming service. Not only are we getting a Star Wars live-action series in the form of Jon Favreau’s The Mandalorian, but we’re also set to get some serious Marvel live-action shows. And no, we’re not talking about some random D-list characters, but series based on the characters of Loki and Scarlet Witch. What’s more is that both Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen will be reprising their roles in these Marvel Studios-backed shows (that’s right, not Marvel Television).

While that’s all good and exciting, it sounds like that’s not all we have to look forward to. If we’re to believe a new rumor from MCU Cosmic, we could get not one, but TWO brand-new shows in addition to the Loki and Scarlet Witch series. While the outlet wasn’t entirely upfront about the details, it seems likely they will also come from Marvel Studios, and one, in particular, could feature an MCU favorite.

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It’s important to put this under the “rumor” category for now, but the outlet states that one of the characters getting a show is Nick Fury. Yup, while the dude may have bitten the dust in Avengers: Infinity War, apparently his future on the small screen is super bright. However, it’s not clear when this would take place or if Sam Jackson would be reprising his role.

But what about the others how? Sadly, there weren’t any details about that fourth mystery show. What they do know is that it’s not Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Namor, Nova, Moon Knight, or She-Hulk. Okay, well that narrows it down, right? Right?

What other characters from the MCU films would you like to see get a series? Let us know down below!

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