Rumored changes to Hawkeye finale? That’s what MTTTSH has been posting on social media since yesterday. The Marvel insider made two posts claiming that some details were changed in the Hawkeye finale sometime before the final aired. Check them out below. However warning for SPOILERS if you have not yet seen the Hawkeye finale!
More scenes with Echo and Kingpin. A post credit scene with Kingpin. Other stuff too
— MyTimeToShineHello (@MyTimeToShineH) December 22, 2021
Also there was a plan for Matt Murdock to have a cameo. And there was also a plan to make Eleanor Bishop Madame Masque
— MyTimeToShineHello (@MyTimeToShineH) December 22, 2021
More scenes with Echo and Kingpin? I do know there was some BTS shots of Echo wearing a more comic accurate costume. However that doesn’t necessarily mean those were used in any cut scenes. As for a Kingpin post-credit scene. It kinda makes sense. I have to say Hawkeye‘s post credit scene was IMO the worst one we have ever had. I’m not a fan of Rogers the Musical so getting the full song was a bit too much for me and I ended up fast forwarding to see if there was anything else. (Narrator: There was not.)
As for Matt Murdock having cameo, that does seem a little pointless given his cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Was this connected to the Kingpin post-credit? Alternatively, was Mat supposed to just walk by at one point in that final episode? I have no idea, and there is no indication whether this was filmed or just planned in an early script the insider got a look at some time ago?
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Whatever the situation, the Hawkeye finale we got is what we got. Lastly, the Eleanor as Madame Mask comment seems the most strange as given the way the show ended I don’t see any opportunities to drop something like this in and have it make sense?
Sadly, we may never know whether this is legit or not. What do you think of the Hawkeye finale as it was? What do you think of these rumored changes to the Hawkeye finale? As always, leave any thoughts below.