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Ryan Gosling Met With Marvel And Lady Deadpool Rumors | Barside Buzz

Just what is happening with Lady Deadpool, Dazzler and Taylor Swift in Deadpool 3? Let's take a look at the latest Barside Buzz.

According to some recent Barside Buzz Ryan Gosling met with Marvel and Lady Deadpool will show up in Deadpool 3. As with all rumors, take these with a pinch of salt, though they do come from Daniel RPK‘s Patreon and he has been on a hit streak recently. However, especially with the Gosling story, don’t read too much into it. Marvel has met with many actors over the years who have yet to appear in the MCU.

To list a couple of confirmed names, Keanu Reeves and Giancarlo Esposito, but many more rumored. The point is, Marvel does like to speak to the bigger stars to sound out how interested they’d be, and what kind of commitment they could give before considering them for specific parts. This may well then be the case for Gosling? RPK had no knowledge of any specific roles, but this could also be for something more specific, we don’t know? We also don’t know how interested Gosling was and frankly he hasn’t sounded too interested in past interviews.

There was one character Gosling showed an interest in in interviews before and that was Ghost Rider. However, again, don’t think we are saying Gosling will be Ghost Rider. I’m just detailing a comment from ages ago.

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The second story from RPK on his Patreon I felt worth covering is the claim that Lady Deadpool will show up in Deadpool 3. Or, to give it it’s currently correct title, the Untitled Deadpool Movie. So far rumors point to variants of both Wade and Logan showing up in the movie. We’ve already heard Kidpool rumors and Dogpool is in, so why not Lady Deadpool? I would not be surprised at all. The question is who would play the female version of Deadpool?

Fans have started putting tow and two together with those early Taylor Swift rumors, but I wouldn’t honestly get too worked up about that. For now there is no real indication Swift is involved, that may change and if it does, fair play. Either way, I’m quietly confident we will see Lady Deadpool, just as we will see X23.

What do you think of these rumors that Ryan Gosling met with Marvel and Lady Deadpool will show up in Deadpool 3? As always, share your thoughts below.

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