According to Kevin Feige, Secret Invasion is set during the blip. For those (somehow?) unawares. The blip was the 5 year gap we have in Avengers: Endgame. The period post-Thanos snap and the Titan losing his head to Thor’s axe is referred to as the blip, because half the population of the Universe was blipped away by Thanos.
Thus far, whilst many Marvel movies and shows have referred to events within this 5 year period, we’ve not actually seen any stories set during the time. In Kevin Feige’s latest comments about the Marvel Disney+ state, he reportedly gave this period as the setting for the upcoming Secret Invasion show. Secret Invasion stars Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Emilia Clarke, and many others.
Some fans were unhappy at hearing this news. However, I am actually excited by this reveal. If you really think about things, what better a time for Skrulls to try and infiltrate the MCU’s Earth? Half the population has disappeared, but if the Skrulls move quickly, how would anyone know for sure?
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The one plot hole that needs to be resolved is Nick Fury himself. At the close of Infinity War, we saw Nick Fury get dusted. Therefore will this be Nick or Talos playing Nick that we will see in Secret Invasion? Given that Fury had the Captain Marvel pager, it seems unlikely that the Fury dusted was actually just a Skrull in disguise.
I know some of the LRM staff talking about this on Discord were worried we need to move forward with the MCU, not backwards. Normally I would agree. I do not want to see a whole series of movies or shows set within the blip period. However, as a one off, I actually think Secret Invasion could be perfect set during this time. I guess like always, we will just have to wait and see?
What do you think of the news Secret Invasion is set during the blip? Has Kevin Feige made the right call here or not? Thoughts below, or over on Discord as always.