Over the last 48 hours it seems that Secret Invasion is set for a June 21 premiere on Disney+. Whilst I would not quite call the date official, it did appear on the official Disney+ website in some territories. Which of course eagle eyed fans screenshotted and shared on social media. Given all the hints, rumors and set up for delays, I feel like any date not already craved in stone is changeable in the MCU. Especially when it comes to Disney+ shows.
So is Secret Invasion going to premiere on June 21st? Probably, that’s the general consensus among fans. However as said, right now I’m not putting all my chips on any date even if it’s from an official source. IF June 21 does become the date, or that’s not going to be far off either way, then what effect does that have on the Disney+ slate as we know it?
That’s a tricky question to answer, as you know movies are dated years in advance. However shows can be held back, moved forward and switched around entirely. So far all we knew around Secret Invasion and Loki S2 was one was due in Spring and one in Summer. I’m sure you’ll all agree that June 21 is firmly into Summer. Therefore, when do we get Loki S2? No idea, but most fans are guessing around Fall now for that show.
Another show supposed to arrive in 2023 was What If…? S2. I say was, because the only clarity we have had was 2023. I’ve also heard a few rumblings that it could slip to 2024, but nothing solid.
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If June 21 does become the Secret Invasion premiere date, that would represent a delay of around a month or two. Which, to be fair given all the rumors, isn’t too bad. Where we may see some larger periods of delay for me are in the projects not yet scheduled for filming.
The weird part of all this, is that we had a trailer for Secret Invasion very early (for this release date). Normally Disney+ shows hold off on trailers until closer to release, but then Secret Invasion was originally supposed to premiere around now. I would expect marketing to really kick into gear by the end of April or into May. That likely means more trailers, cast interviews, and the usual round of promotional content.
For now, anything could still change. However there is a very good chance that Secret Invasion will have a June 21st premiere on Disney+. Are you excited by Secret Invasion? Are there any upcoming Disney+ shows you are more excited for? As always, leave any thoughts below.