A new photo has surfaced from the set of the upcoming Karate Kid television series, Cobra Kai. The photo shows stars Ralph Macchio and William Zabka engaged in a handshake. The series will feature 10 episodes and be broadcast on the pay service, YouTube Red.
You can check out the photo here.
RELATED: Ralph Macchio and William Zabka Back For New Karate Kid Series
Being a fan of the original film, and more or less accepting the sequels, I really hope this works out. I do wish the show was being produced on Netflix or Hulu, but I may be underestimating Youtube Red. It will be interesting how the show portrays these two characters, given their intense history. Daniel defeating Johnny Lawrence with the crane kick is one of the most iconic moments in 80s cinema, I can’t wait to see where these two are at now.
The show’s official synopsis is as follows:
“Set thirty years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, the series focuses on Johnny Lawrence reopening the Cobra Kai dojo, which causes his rivalry with Daniel LaRusso to be reignited.”
Will you be checking out this continuance of The Karate Kid? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Yahoo!