The upcoming Shazam film looks to have either begun production, or will begin soon. Regardless of the specific day of actual filming, Zachary Levi took to Instagram to show off what will become his morning ritual for the foreseeable future during this film’s production.
Check out the photo below:
No, it’s nothing special or sexy. It’s just sitting in the makeup chair for a bit before heading off to set. Plus, unless we’re missing something huge, the chances of him needing to spend a whole lot of time in the chair — though we can’t fully ignore his half-joke here.
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While Levi does have the face of a youthful kid, the makeup is likely being used to hide as many of his wrinkles as possible. Yes, Shazam may be the adult version of Billy Batson, but it will be important for him to look as young as possible while still being an adult, and should this franchise take off, it will be as important as ever.
Of course, it’s also possible the dude was joking, and that it really doesn’t matter how young he looks, so long as acts the part, which we’re in favor of (though should this franchise take off, their window will be pretty short in terms of how old Billy Batson should get before him transforming into Zachary Levi is weird — but that’s a topic for another day).
Regardless, it’s time to celebrate, because Shazam is officially underway, and with it begins a new chapter of the DC Extended Universe, one that could be a harbinger of things to come.
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SOURCE: Zachary Levi