LRMonline GenreVerse

She Kills | 50 B Movies To See Before You Die

This week on the B movie docket is She Kills

B movies are the glue stuck in between all the other genres, oftentimes refusing to conform to any particular genre presets. Some but not all of the hallmarks of a B movie include scripts that read like they were written by a room full of eighth-graders, poor visual effects, cringe-inducing dialogue, low budget production design, and zany plot contrivances. You’re aware of the hallmarks, right? B-movies often reek of amateur flair. Thought you were about to watch a great white shark hunted in dramatic fashion like only Steven Spielberg can deliver? Nope, this is Sharknado.

Why do we love B movies? I think B movies are comforting. You know what you’re about to watch is bad. If you’re fortunate it may be so bad that it’s good. You’ll often scratch your head trying to work out the plot. Out of the many good films you’ve seen, I bet you can talk with more vigor about the worst ones you’ve seen. They’re unforgettable. There’s something comforting about that I think. Besides they’ve been around just as long as the movie industry.

Believe it or not, chances are there’s a B movie for you. So I compiled a list of 50 B movies you must see before you die. No decade is off-limits. No rating is too taboo. For the next 49 weeks, I will introduce and recommend a B movie for your viewing pleasure. Yes, these are exciting times indeed my fanatical friends.

WEEK 34 – She Kills

Welcome back to another week of B movies. This week’s film was a bit of surprise to me. Seriously, not only had I never heard of the movie. I was not prepared for the B movie glory that unfolded before my eyes. I was not worthy. If I had to sum up the experience. Totally blindsided.

Not only does She Kills present an absurd B movie premise. It features some magnificent character work. Did I mention the cheesy gory practical effects? Because this film is brimming over with them. But before I go any further, let me describe this scene.

A Hidden Gem

Because I never knew so much joy could be had from watching a Kung-Fu fight between father and son over the daughters sacred feminine parts. It is a jaw dropping scene. The movies audio shifted from conventional to that of an 80’s Kung-Fu flick. Complete with out of sync audio. Then there is the moment the father grabs the pet cat, rips it into two equal parts, and wields it like nunchucks. And before I could process it all, the son grabbed the other pet cat and extended it like a sword. They battled to the death.

She Kills was written and directed by Ron Bonk. It was made its premiere back in 2016. As I write this it has a 12% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Bad news for the casual movie watcher. But for B movie fans, She Kills is practically certified platinum.

Here’s the synopsis – When Sadie’s husband is murdered by a vicious gang called “The Touchers”, she finds she possesses a strange hidden power to aid her in her quest for revenge. A homage to Grindhouse/exploitation pictures of the 1970’s.

Watch this one expecting to pick your jaw up as the credit’s role.

Check list

A villain whose handlebar mustache crawls caterpillar like down his chest and twirls around his nipples prepared to hypnotize the viewer with douchebag behavior. Check. Tons of nudity. Check. Horrible stock footage inserted into scenes. Check. Imagination on a budget. Check. Cheesy rape revenge plot. Check. The answer to why Joe Chill gunned down Bruce Wayne’s parents. Check.

She Kills certainly hits all the marks of a great B movie. We even witness that moment that a young Bruce Wayne receives the right amount of trauma needed to aid him on his quest to becoming Batman. That last bit seems out of place. A key moment in a superheroes birth in a B movie? Sounds crazy right? That is just the sort of B movie She Kills is.

She Kills constantly outdoes itself from one moment to the next. This very much feels like a lower budget spiritual sequel to Hobo With A Shotgun.

B Movie Characters

You could accuse She Kills of a lot of things. Wasting characters is not one of them. Sadie, the lead character starts out a regular head over heels soon to be wed dame in distress. By the end of the film she is a spitting image of Kill Bill’s Elle Driver. But unlike Elle, Sadie makes a pact with a voodoo priestess to rid her unmentionables of satanic possession. She does this after her husband is devoured by a sadistic gang that turn to cannibalism after taking a whiff of her body odor. I use the term body odor loosely here.

They say a hero is made greater by great obstacles. Standing in the way of Sadie’s revenge are The Touchers. They are a rowdy bunch led by a chauvinistic grade A-hole with a handle bar mustache rivaling Foo Man Chu’s.

The Touchers are at the end of Sadie’s quest. Or was it Jesus? She does confront the son of God. It is a B movie filled with a lot of ideas. It cannibalizes many films and creates something new and fresh or Rotten depending on what sorts of flavors of films you enjoy.

Sequel Potential

A lot of times speculating about potential sequels is entertaining. Sometimes those sequels come to fruition. Other times they never materialize. Often a filmmaker ends the film teasing a future storyline to explore. She Kills is a case where a filmmaker is practically teasing with a monster of a follow up.

See this B movie before you die.

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