Marvel’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings star Simu Liu roasts WB over the Batgirl debacle on social media. I’m sure I don’t have to explain the fact Batgirl, in an almost finished state has been scrapped completely in the new Warner Bros. and Discovery merger shake up. Though, feel free to check out the related link below if this is news to you.
I’ll just post Liu’s tweet below, before I discuss.
Now, there are of curse some fans who have taken some offence at this from Liu. I mean, it’s Twitter, so someone is always going to take offence, right? Therefore some DC fans have accused Simu of being insensitive towards the cast and crew who worked on Batgirl. However, I don’t really see it that way. Simu is making fun of the crazy decision made by WB, not making fun of the crew. However, I guess that is down to personal interpretation isn’t it?
It’s worth noting how unusual this situation is. I can personally only think of one other time a movie has been almost ready to go and was just scrapped completely. The Day the Clown Cried. It’s an unfinished, unreleased, Swedish-French film, directed by and starring Jerry Lewis as a clown imprisoned in a Nazi camp during World War II. Yep, it’s comedy set within a Nazi concentration camp. You can kinda see why there was some doubt about whether this one would fly. The movie sounds like a real version of Springtime for Hitler.
RELATED: Batgirl Directors “Saddened and Shocked” By Decision To Shelf Film
There may be others I am unaware of, but I’m sure you’ll find it few and far between. Taking a complete loss on a movie is usually not the best option. I mean, even if you released an unfinished version of Batgirl, people absolutely would pay to see it. Maybe not a lot? However, some money is better than no money.
Here instead it seems that WB/Discovery are more concerned about what effect putting out another bad DC film will have on the brand. Now, if the brass think Batgirl can hurt the take home of DC movies for years to come, then I can sort of see the plan. However you just know that for the next 10 years people are going to pester WB/D to at least release the cut on HBO Max, or whatever the eventual super streaming service is called. My bet is Discovery Brother Maxi Plus, but I never win when gambling so don’t waste your money.
Well, what do you think? Simu Liu roasts WB over Batgirl debacle. Do you think Liu is just poking fun at a faceless business, or do you agree with some fans that this is offensive to the cast and crew of Batgirl?
As always, leave any thoughts below, or on Discord.