With the recent Justice League just hitting theaters, it makes sense that we’re all looking back to the past at what could have been with the George Miller-directed Justice League: Mortal. Armie Hammer recently hopped on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, and on it, he’s shared some details surrounding his Batman and the film at large.
Of the numerous details he shared, he also gave some insight to an altercation between Wonder Woman and the Man of Steel. While this is nothing new to those who have been following the movie (or have read the script online), he does go on to express his desire to have actually seen this scene realized.
“Superman and Wonder Woman had the most brutal fight with each other that you’ve ever seen. It would be like when if two superheroes actually fight, like they destroy multiple cities, like by accident, because they don’t even see anything else other than trying to destroy the person in front of them, and it was incredible. I mean at one point they destroy an aircraft carrier by accident!”
Man of Steel haters would have not been pleased with this, as the collateral damage was a huge sticking point for Superman fans. But the bloodhed doesn’t end there. He also goes on to describe a horrifying incident regarding villain Maxwell Lord serving bad nanobot-ridden food at his fast-food chain.
“So everyone’s consuming this food like an addiction, because he’s putting s**t in it to make people addicted to it too, and they’re consuming these nanobots. Then at one point, he pushes a button that’s like ‘activate,’ and these nanobots literally kill almost every person that has eaten his food.
And then all of a sudden you have to fight these nanobot humans that now programmed to be like ‘Kill all these guys.’”
Sounds like a fun time at the movies! What do you think of these potential scenes? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Happy Sad Confused (via Screen Rant)