A couple years back, Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures penned an unprecedented deal. While Marvel Studios had the rights to adapt dozens of well known Marvel characters, there was still one major player that eluded them: Spider-Man. The deal itself had a lot of weird specifics, but the general idea is that Marvel Studios had the right to use the character in some of their films (like Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, etc.), and Sony was able to incorporate the MCU into their films, as we’ve seen from the trailers in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
However, it was unclear just how long this deal would last. Last March, producer Amy Pascal pretty much confirmed that the deal extended through a Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel — meaning it would last a bit into Phase 4 (or whatever the equivalent of Phase 4 will be in the MCU). The future of the webslinger beyond that was up for renegotiation, depending on whether or not Sony and Marvel felt like their deal was mutually beneficial.
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While the deal sounds like it only extends through the first sequel, following the events in Avengers 4, if we’re to take actor Tom Holland at his word, it sounds like they have story plans for a full trilogy. Speaking with Allo Ciné (via Coming Soon), Holland said the following in regards to where Peter Parker’s emotional journey is headed:
“Yes, there is what we call the arc of the character. There is still a lot of room for Peter Parker and Spider-Man, especially, to grow in the next two movies. He’s definitely not the finished article by the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and I really look forward to exploring the different ways he can grow up and… go through puberty I guess. It’s going to be an exciting couple of movies.
“There will be a Spider-Man 2 and 3… Yeah, well now you know, sorry Marvel. Whoops!”
Whoops, indeed. The Disney patrol will undoubtedly be breaking Holland’s legs with a bat in the coming weeks. Given Amy Pascal’s earlier statements about not being sure about the future of Spider-Man, Holland seems to be speaking out of turn. That being said, perhaps Sony and Marvel Studios have more recently come to an agreement without us knowing.
While this sounds very promising, I wouldn’t get too attached to the idea just yet. The inner politics of Hollywood are complex and fickle, and a lot can happen between now and the 2020s, when we’d likely expect to see a Spider-Man: Homecoming 3. As it stands, while they may have some rough plans as to what may follow the second film, there’s still no guarantee that we’ll get anything beyond the first flick.
But what do you think? Are you happy to hear that they at least have some broad strokes planned for a third film? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7, 2017.
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SOURCE: Allo Ciné (via Coming Soon)
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