This week has seen many Spider-Man 3 rumors backed up in a very big way. Well, according to the original Doc Ock source, these Spider-Man past stars are action set-piece cameos. The Molina as Doc Ock rumor began through The GWW. At the time no one knew if this was good, or bad information. That’s how these rumor stories often go and we have been there. However it is also good when those rumors are vindicated. This week saw Alfred Molina’s return as Doc Ock confirmed. However trades are now saying the other rumors are true as well.
Check out KC Walsh (The GWW) replay to a question below.
Most are cameos and their act action set pieces
— KC Walsh (@TheComixKid) December 8, 2020
This would imply that each act of the movie might deal with a different set of action-set pieces featuring various cameo appearances. I’ve already written today about how worried this makes me about Spider-Man 3. I won’t go into those details in any depth again for regular readers. However, I guess my worry is a movie so stuffed with cameo’s that we don’t spend time with the actual stars of the movie. Mix that in with a Spider-Man fan who wasn’t that keen on the Sony movies, and you can see my reluctance.
RELATED: New Spider-Man 3 Report Says Everybody’s Home!
What I do always counter this worry with, is Marvel Studios. I trust them and I trust Feige. Maybe there is an idea here that really works? Perhaps very small cameo’s with a movie still very much focused on Peter is under all that fan service? I therefore hope that this latest rumor is in the money and despite the bluster, these are actually just cameo appearances at key points.
What do you think of this report Spider-Man past stars are action set-piece cameos? Where do you fall on the Spider-Verse argument? As always let us know what you think below or on Discord.