Star Wars: Episode IX – John Boyega Teases ‘Something Visually Crazy’ On Social Media

Let the teasing begin for Star Wars: Episode IX! I know plenty of you have already given up hope on the next installment in the franchise actually being good on any level (many of us here at LRM are split on the future of the franchise and the quality of The Last Jedi), but as someone who loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the foundation it set for Star Wars: Episode IX, I couldn’t be more thrilled to see how J.J. Abrams ends it all.

As per usual with Star Wars movies, at this stage, we still don’t know a whole lot about the story — outside of a handful of questionable rumors — but given that it’s coming out by the end of this year, it’s only a matter of time as more details, teases, and leaks occur for the flick. In this particular instance, we have actor John Boyega on social media teasing some potentially “crazy” visuals. Here’s what he said on the platform.

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“Great working day on set!! The whole team pushed themselves today to achieve something visually crazy! I’ve had many moments of shock on set but not like today and I can’t wait until you know why 👀🙌🏾”

The image above shows off some dirty, minorly-bloody hands, but no other context is given. I will say, the image itself is pretty beautiful, but it’s likely no real indication of what we can expect. That being said, once we see that visual moment he’s teasing, I think there’s a good bet that his character, Finn, will have dirty hands…just a guess.

What do you think of this image? Are you as hyped for the conclusion of Star Wars: Episode IX as I am? Let me know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: John Boyega

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