As much as we sometimes hate to admit it, Disney isn’t really in the business of making one-and-done stories. Yes, it’s always great to get out of one’s comfort zone and watch stories that take real creative risks, but that isn’t always the business Disney is doing. When the conglomerate bought Lucasfilm a few years back, it was clear that they wanted to utilize the Star Wars brand to the fullest extent.
In the time since then, we have seen the release of two amazing films, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Their next spinoff film will be something that hits a little closer to home in the form of a Han Solo movie. While we know that both Lando and Chewie will be in the film, specific details have been hard to come by. Speaking at USC, Disney CEO Bob Iger gave us a bit of a time frame in which that film will take place, stating that the flick would follow his life between the ages of 18 and 24.
And if you’re one of those fans who thought that this spinoff needed to see Han “acquiring a certain vehicle and meeting a certain Wookie,†then you’re in luck, because those events will be covered in the flick. A part of me hates that this movie will have those two iconic moments, as I don’t really care how he met Chewie or how he got the Millennium Falcon. Plus, it seems like such an easy and lazy direction for it to go.
After the release of Han Solo, we’ll be getting Star Wars Episode IX, but beyond that, it’s a giant black hole. While it seemed inevitable that Disney and Lucasfilm would keep making these saga movies forever, but it was never a sure thing. For all we knew, Lucasfilm would hold off on these films for another decade or so, kind of in the vein of how things have been in the past with this franchise, and wait for demand to grow once more.
Well, it sounds like they may go straight from one film into the next. According to Iger, the creative team is thinking about “what could be another decade and a half of Star Wars stories,†he said.
In short, if you were hoping to take a break from the Star Wars films within the next five years or so, it may not be in the cards. But for those of us who love these movies, it’s a welcome confirmation.
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