Could a Solo spin-off on Disney+ happen? Read on for more details.
Earlier today my colleague Steven covered a story about Alden Ehrenreich. Ehrenreich was hinting that there could be some kind of future for his version of Han Solo. Alden Ehrenreich starred in Solo and it’s fair to say it was biggest flop in Star Wars history. Though Solo was a flop, and not a movie I enjoyed very much, I could see some potential. I always thought a sequel or a spin-off that didn’t try to explain every detail of Han’s life could work.
You can catch Steven’s coverage of Ehrenreich’s comments in the related section below. However, scooper Jordan Mason has commented on Ehrenreich’s words as well. Maison says he heard rumors about a potential spin-off from Solo into Disney+ shows previously. However, Maison has not heard any updates since, check it out.
FWIW, I'd heard of a couple Disney Plus series being developed to focus on various characters in #Solo. Haven't heard any updates since the start of this year, however, so not sure if those are still being worked on, or ever got beyond the "idea stage."
— Jordan Maison (@JordanMaison) July 14, 2020
This is also a rumor I have heard before. The idea of a sequel movie to Solo seems way, way off. I had heard though, there was a chance something could happen on Disney+. Honestly I’m not sure using Solo again would work. However, a show dealing with Qi’Ra and Crimson Dawn could be very interesting. I’d also be happy to see more of Donald Glover’s Lando character again. I’m just not sure about Han and Chewy. I kinda feel like replacing Harrison Ford was just too much of an ask for Ehrenreich.
RELATED: Alden Ehrenreich on Playing Han Solo One More Time
Saying that, if good stories were set up for a Solo spin off and it made sense to have Han and Chewy appear occasionally, then I’ll wait and see. I don’t want to get down on Ehrenreich, because I think replacing Ford was hard for any actor to take on. My issues with Solo center mostly on the way the movie tried to explain every detail we knew about Han. How he got his name, how he met Chewy, how he got those dice that Disney seems to think important. Not to mention how Solo met Lando, got the Falcon and did the Kessell Run. That’s a hell of a lot of Han’s backstory to cover in one movie. I just never enjoyed Solo as a result. A spin-off could work, but as Maison says himself, this may be old information and no longer on the cards?
Would you be keen to see a Solo spin-off on Disney+? Leave your thoughts below in the usual spot.
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SOURCE: Jordan Maison (via Twitter)