This coming December will see the end to the controversial Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, which so far consists of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. While that first movie was criticized for being too safe, the second was really penalized for its treatment of some of the characters, including the likes of Snoke and Luke Skywalker.
This means that this final film will really help fans decide once and for all if these first two movies were experiences worth having in the franchise. Can J.J. Abrams bring it home and make it feel like a culmination of not just three films, but nine? Well, we’ll be getting our first taste of the end product with the first trailer…and sadly we don’t really know when that’ll be. But Jim Hill Media recently shared on Twitter that we may be in for a bit of a wait.
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Here’s what they said:
“Disney is now supposedly holding the actual “Episode IX” teaser trailer for Star Wars Celebration. Which will be held in Chicago April 11 – 15. The new thinking is that — given the continued fan grumbling about “Last Jedi” & “Solo” — the Studio must now court these folks.”
Disney is now supposedly holding the actual "Episode IX" teaser trailer for Star Wars Celebration. Which will be held in Chicago April 11 – 15. The new thinking is that — given the continued fan grumbling about "Last Jedi" & "Solo" — the Studio must now court these folks.
— Jim Hill Media (@JimHillMedia) February 3, 2019
Given how far away that feels, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was just too damn late to release a first trailer, but I think this would be a smart move. As I mentioned above, there is a lot riding on this film, so they’d do well to make sure this trailer is pitch-perfect before sharing it, as fans will NOT be going easy on it.
Additionally, holding off on the trailer helps give them an extra bit of content to get excited for Star Wars Celebration for. With this being the last film for the foreseeable future, it’ll be the last opportunity for at least a year to be able to show off content from an upcoming movie, as the focus will likely be on the animated and live-action series.
Do you think it would be wise of Disney to hold off on showing the trailer until April? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Jim Hill Media