I am loathe to begin the Star Wars debate surrounding The Last Jedi once more, ultimately for me, I simply didn’t enjoy the movie for a number of different reasons which I’ve discussed seemingly endlessly and will continue to do so. At the same time, there are those out there who loved it and cannot fathom how fans like me dislike it so much, it is a very divisive movie.
One of the aspects of TLJ I didn’t like was the lack of explanation of who or what Snoke was supposed to be, and I’ve argued this point many times with fans who just didn’t care about it. For me, Johnson showed Snoke to be the most powerful Force user we have seen on screen to date. He was able to throw around Hux like a ragdoll whilst not even being anywhere close to him. I’ve heard fans point to how Vader choked Admiral Ozzel through a view screen, but Ozzel was Galactically speaking right next to Vader when this happened, Snoke didn’t arrive from wherever he was until later on in The Last Jedi. We then got to see more of Snoke’s power as he was able to simply freeze Rey on the spot and shoot very controlled little bolts of lightning in rage at Kylo Ren. So for me, Johnson went out of his way to show Snoke was more powerful than The Emperor in the dark side of the Force. And then, without explaining anything he killed him off.
I could go further with this analysis but you want to get to the news right? Ok, suffice to say that many fans predicted that Snoke’s story, and how he connected to events would be further explored in another medium, and they were right.
Marvel Comics has announced a new Snoke centric comic as part of their Star Wars: Age of Resistance comic series. The series will focus on Rose Tico, Snoke, Kylo Ren, and Rey in one comic each, although Kylo Ren will feature heavily in Snoke’s and perhaps he will feature in Ren’s? However, it is Snoke’s that will probably generate the most interest from fans eager to out some headcanon to who and what Snoke is, and how he could have been allowed to exist during the reign of The Emperor.
The comic will release in September and explore the relationship between Snoke and Ben Solo after the latter is tempted away from his Uncle Luke Skywalker prior to the events of The Force Awakens. Check out the official details and cover image below, which we share via (ComicBook.com)
Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Supreme Leader Snoke #1
The Devil’s Apprentice!
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Leonard Kirk
Cover: Phil Noto
Whilst there may be some fans that flock to this and use it to excuse Johnson’s decision, I won’t be one of them. For a start we still have no idea exactly what kind of information we will get in this comic and the main thing for me is to work out ow this powerful dark side user wasn’t hounded down and destroyed by The Emperor and his limitless military during the 20 years prior to ANH, when the Rebels were but an annoyance. That’s the part that doesn’t make any sense to me, and even if they do explain it properly, I still feel that Johnson should have focussed more on Snoke in his movie, as the character was the biggest mystery of the previous The Force Awakens.
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I suspect that JJ Abrams had no idea how Snoke fit into the greater universe to begin with and just wanted a new Emperor type of antagonist in order to provide Kylo Ren with a redemption arc eventually. I suspect that if left to JJ Abrams we would have essentially just had the OT retold from the point of view of Vader’s grandson, and I suspect this is the main reason that The Emperor has been brought back in some capacity for The Rise of Skywalker. Of course, we don’t know this for certain, but if my suspicions are true I will be completely unsurprised when The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December of this year. I genuinely hope I’m wrong about that, but I guess time will tell.
What do you think of this Age of Resistance series announcement, will you be picking up The Devil’s Apprentice with interest, or like me do you simply want to see it covered in the movies themselves? Sound off below.
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SOURCE: ComicBook.com