Remember back around 2013 when Star Wars: The Force Awakens was in it’s earlier stages? Back before we even knew very much about it, before the dark times, before the sequels? I remember, and I remember having so much hope for the film. and what it could be. Star Wars was coming back, and I felt there was no one better to do it than J.J. Abrams, as a lifelong nerd, I believed Abrams would be true and bring us something special.
Abrams’ film didn’t quite live up to my expectations, I didn’t hate it by any means and I will say he did his job in delivering a nice, safe reboot and left a playground from which others could restore the franchise to what it once was. From the concept art below, we learn that Luke being in exile was always the plan. I never had an issue with this, I just disapprove of how he never really came back, at least in my eyes, and the eyes of many other fans. You can check out the concept art below.
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Luke’s look appears to be influenced by the Samurai. He also looks much more calm and collected than he did in The Last Jedi. I actually kind of like this look for him. It makes me feel as he has a better sense of what it right, and perhaps it would have influenced his actions to be more toward the Luke I know and love.
Is this a good look for Master Skywalker? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: calzmann