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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Box Office Predictions, Netflix Changing The Game, & More! – Los Fanboys

In the latest episode of Los Fanboys, Jammer and David start off by discussing the latest box office weekend before discussing the brave, new world of Netflix, with Nielsen offering a new ratings system for the streaming service. From there, they delve into Star Wars, The Punisher, A potential X-23 spinoff, and David Fincher’s perspective on filmmaking nowadays.


00:00:00 – Intro and box office
00:16:24 – Netflix, Nielsen, and changing the industry
00:36:00 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi box office predictions
00:43:50 – J.J. Abrams on Star Wars: Episode 9
00:51:10 – The Punisher trailer reactions
00:55:15 – X-23 spinoff in the works?
01:00:00 – David Fincher on movies

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