With the home video release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes bonus features and deleted scenes. One scene in particular that was cut from the film, a scene where Luke Skywalker takes a minute to process the fate of Han Solo, has led Mark Hamill to again express his displeasure with how his beloved character was treated during the film. Hamill recently spoke with IGN about his feelings on the deleted scene:
“Yes, of course because it shows Luke was putting on a facade in front of Rey and even Chewie, that he was embittered and sort of a broken man. And I think the fact that he could let his emotions out when he was by himself would have made an impact on the audience because it allowed them to grieve the loss of Han Solo just the way Luke felt it. But that always happens in films. You say, ‘Oh, what about this scene where this happens or that happens?’ because you want to give the fullest experience that you can. And like you say, it was brief enough that I was — [chuckles] They had time for me to milk that big alien but to show any human emotion? Nah, we don’t have time for that. But again it’s not my call.”
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Of course, Rian Johnson explains why this scene had to be cut, let the past die and all that. I guess the Canto Bight sequence was too important, and there just wasn’t time to include a minute-long second scene honoring a character Disney thinks is important enough to make an entire film about.
As an admitted butthurt fanboy, I would have liked to have seen this scene make the film’s final cut, Johnson has his reasons for everything he did, I disagree with most. If you are going to kill the past, at least honor it. He didn’t give Luke a final battle (not one that was in person) so he should have at least let us have this.
Do you think this scene should have been left int he film? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: ScreenRant (via IGN)