Star Wars: The Last Jedi Rumors – Details On Benicio Del Toro’s Character & New Planet

At one point, fans had resigned themselves to never seeing another new Star Wars movie. The prequel trilogy had run its course, and we thought there was no story left to be told.  Then Disney deal was announced. Now with both the first part of a new trilogy in J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens and the first of the standalone anthology films in Gareth Edwards Rogue one: A Star Wars Story under our belts, things are really starting to heat up. Both films did exceptionally well with both audiences and critics alike, and made Disney some massive box office numbers in the process.

So it’s fair to say that anticipation for RianJohnson’s Episode 8, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is currently at an all-time high. Part of the reason for this is the astounding lack of details that have been leaked at this point. 

Well, this may be the end to that drought, as the folks over at Making Star Wars have reported on some new details regarding a new planet, as well as Benicio del Toro’s character in the film. 

What follows are minor spoilers, so if you wish not to get any aspect of the film ruined for you, then look away.








Benicio Del Toro’s character is called DJ – it’s either his real name or that is the codename they are currently using for him. His costume evokes gangster imagery and makes him look a very street level crook, but his space ship is actually very extravagant. The contrast to the Millenium Falcon being quite severe, with ornate and clean-looking aesthetics, which seem more in common with the newer, sleeker designs in the prequel trilogy. He could have more than one look in the movie, and the outlet even speculates that perhaps he puts on a grimy guise in order trick folks into underestimating him.

The outlet also reported that the Casino planet, which was being filmed in Dubrovnik last year, is called Canto Bight. As with many Star Wars names, the spelling is still unclear. Like with del Toro’s character name, there is the possibility that this is also a codename, but they seemed fairly confident that Canto Bight is what it’ll end up being called.

Of course, given that this is all leaked information, we should definitely be taking all of this with a grain of salt, but the outlet does have a pretty solid track record.

I could speculate on what this all means, but it is tricky with so little information to work with, so I will leave the speculation to you guys, after all, that’s the fun part, right? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

We will find out when Star Wars: The Last Jedi is released on December 15, 2017.


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SOURCE: Making Star Wars (1), (2)

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