Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Snoke Apparently Has Another Apprentice [SPOILERS]









While we didn’t learn a whole lot about Supreme Leader Snoke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, another official source has brought some interesting information to light. According to the latest issue of Star Wars Insider Magazine, Supreme Leader Snoke has trained at least one other apprentice besides Kylo Ren, as it says in the opening sentence to the character’s overall description:

“Force sensitive, and highly attuned to the dark side but not a Sith, Snoke has trained Kylo Ren and at least one other apprentice.”


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This information really opens up the possibilities for the still untitled and concluding chapter of the trilogy, Episode 9. Seeing as how we know Snoke isn’t a Sith, at least not in the traditional sense, it would make sense that he has other apprentices, as he doesn’t have to abide by the rule of two.

Of course, it is always possible we will never see or even know who these apprentices were, at least on screen anyway. It seems as if Snoke served his purpose, but who knows what Episode 9 may bring. One thing I can say about The Last Jedi is it did surprise me, I wasn’t a fan of most of those surprises, but it did catch me off guard at times.

Would you like to see these apprentices in Episode 9? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Star Wars Insider Magazine (via SlashFilm)

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