Stephen King Had A Book Idea For (Wait For It) Jason Vorhees

A Jason Vorhees story from Stephen King, you say?

When you think of author Stephen King, you don’t often think of him hopping on board franchise films. He’s a writer from which franchises spawn. Films like IT, The Stand, Pet Sematary, and The Shining were all so good they’ve been made more than once. While they’re all complete stories, they may as well be franchises. And I suppose The Shining technically is the only one of the bunch to count as a full franchise. Whatever, that’s not the point there. The point is he isn’t a writer that you think would jump onto a pre-existing series.

But, who knows? In another universe, Stephen King could very much have become that writer. Perhaps in that universe, he could have written novel adaptations of properties like Alien. Well, start dreaming, because apparently, he had an idea for a beloved horror icon. 

“The best novel idea I never wrote (and probably never will) is I JASON, the first-person narrative of Jason Voohees[sic], and his hellish fate: killed over and over again at Camp Crystal Lake. What a hellish, existential fate!” King wrote on Twitter.

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Indeed a part of me wishes to read King’s take on the Friday the 13th mainstay. While his stuff is very much genre in nature, he injects real humanity that makes you care about the characters. As fun as the Friday the 13th movies are, actual character development has never been the draw. King’s involvement would make character development the main draw for me.

As King indicated, it’ll probably never happen — but you never know. Crazier things have happened. As we’ve seen, once an idea makes it out into the aether, it seems to have a better chance of actually coming to fruition. Remember that Quentin Tarantino Star Trek movie? Sure, it may still never happen, but him saying it out loud got him meetings with Bad Robot and a script underway. This could be something similar — assuming King even wants to do it anymore.

But what do you think? Would you read a Jason Vorhees novel by Stephen King? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Stephen King

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