Stranger Things 2 Episode Titles Revealed


Back when Season 2 of Stranger Things was first announced, the announcement came with a bunch of episode titles. These titles were as folllows:

  1. “Madmax”
  2. “The Boy Who Came Back to Life”
  3. “The Pumpkin Patch”
  4. “The Palace”
  5. “The Storm”
  6. “The Pollywog”
  7. “The Secret Cabin”
  8. “The Brain”
  9. “The Lost Brother”

But of course, the creative process is ever-malleable. Things always changed, and since those were announced, it was revealed that these episode title would, in fact, change.

Netflix has taken to Twitter to reveal the actual titles of the season. Check them out below:

Here are the titles in list form:

  1. “Dragon’s Lair”
  2. “Trick or Treat Freak”
  3. “The Pollywog”
  4. “Will the Wise”
  5. “Dig Dug”
  6. “The Spy”
  7. [UNKNOWN]
  8. [UNKNOWN]
  9. [UNKNOWN]

The only remaining title from the original slate is “The Pollywog,” and even that was pushed up a couple episodes. Goes to show that nothing is gained by announcing something prematurely.

Also of note is that the last few titles have secret titles. Makes us wonder if they plan on having the title names be revealed in the Netflix metadata, or if they plan on keeping it separate even from that, perhaps titling it “Chapter 7,” “Chapter 8,” “Chapter 9,” respectively.

What do you think of the new titles? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Stranger Things 2 hits Netflix on October 27, 2017.

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SOURCE: Netflix

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