Tabletop Game Review – KAPOW! Volume 1

KAPOW! Volume 1

KAPOW! Volume 1 by Wise Wizard Games
Price: $50.00
2 (can also be played solo, or 2v2)
~20 to 60 minutes
Perfect for:
Players who enjoy strategic dice-based, quasi-asymmetrical dueling games with a hint of luck.

KAPOW! Volume 1 is a game of epic battling between superheroes and supervillains. Players choose to either command a generic protagonist/antagonist, or a specific character within the KAPOW! Universe complete with their own unique abilities. The combatants will roll and assign dice strategically based upon the resources available to them while also anticipating the moves their opponent may make. Once a hero or villain loses all their hit points, the other player is victorious.

To begin a game of KAPOW! players choose a character and their corresponding starter dice set as well as a health tracker. Players stand up their individual screens and simultaneously roll their dice behind them. Depending on the outcome of the roll, players will then assign dice to various actions by matching combinations of faces to abilities. Options typically include attacking, defending, or gaining more dice/die faces. Once all selections have been made, everyone reveals their choices. In turn order, players deal damage and resolve any effects from power-ups. Players then retrieve their dice and make any necessary modifications to them they would like. Play continues in this fashion until all other characters have zero health, at which point the game ends immediately.

What works in KAPOW! Volume 1 is the fantastic balance and blend of strategy, evolution, and interaction. Unlike some games with dice-rolling mechanics, KAPOW!’s strength is in its multitude of options. Players must carefully consider their course of action with each roll of the dice. Perhaps they should put all their power into an attack? But then that would leave them completely defenseless. Or maybe they should hunker down this round and just upgrade their dice for future encounters. And even when choosing that path, players will have to decide what kinds of dice/die faces they want to add to their arsenal depending on need and gaps. These considerations with every roll make KAPOW! incredibly exciting and highly engaging. Furthermore, the variety of character choices which give individuals even more options through superpowers, gives KAPOW! very strong replay value.

Players who don’t enjoy games with direct conflict, or outcomes heavily predicated on luck, may not enjoy KAPOW! Volume 1 as much as others. The core mechanic of KAPOW! is dice rolling. As such, instances will eventually occur where one player gets an amazing, seemingly overpowered turn. Other times, players will see nothing but despair in the dice faces they have to choose from. Granted, KAPOW! does a very good job of presenting players with a myriad of options, including the ability to reroll. Still, some people may find the unpredictability a touch frustrating. Finally, the main objective is to thwart, subvert, and outplay opponents head-on. For groups looking for a less confrontational experience, other games may be preferable.

KAPOW! Volume 1 builds upon familiar mechanics to craft one of the best 2-player dueling board game experiences yet. Even with being dice-powered, KAPOW! has nuance to its strategy and execution that goes well beyond “selecting the best obvious choice,” that similar games have. Simply put, KAPOW! is easy to learn, provides lots of variation, and is just a ton of fun through every single roll. Highly recommended.  

Recommended if you like: Dice Forge, Dice Throne

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