Taiki Waititi explains how important ‘Immigrant Song’ was for Thor: Ragnarok. The song of course was from Led Zeppelin, who in my opinion are the greatest band that ever was, or ever will be. ‘Immigrant Song’ was used twice in Thor: Ragnarok, once in the opening action scene with Thor vs Surtur and once in the final battle on the rainbow bridge at the end of the movie.
‘Immigrant Song’ is definitely one of my favorite Zeppelin songs, and the music was perfect for Ragnarok. Especially, since the lyrics are all about Vikings and name drop Thor (mythical) several times. Waititi appeared on the Russ Brothers Pizza Film School (video link below) and he talked about how important ‘Immigrant Song’ was for the movie was for the movie as a whole.
“I made the sizzle reel with tonally what I wanted it to be, I wanted to capture a road trip of people who had no business hanging out with each other. “I put all that to ‘Immigrant Song’.“
Waititi told the Russos on their Pizza Film School show. He then went on to say he was suprised that the song had been used previously in a Thor movie.
“I was so surprised they hadn’t used it in the first two films. That song is basically about Thor. Just knowing the tone, knowing that it had to be playful and over the top.”
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Perhaps that’s exactly why ‘Immigrant Son’g was not used previously. The previous two Thor movies were a bit more serious and played straight. Ragnarok, was just like everything that been turned up to eleven with Thor and what better band to use for that kind of approach than Led Zeppelin. In fact, I’d be kinda disappointed if ‘Immigrant Song’ doesn’t become a sort of theme tune for Thor going forward. The song is a classic, works with an action scene and feels absolutely connected to Thor.
I’ve often wondered why more Zeppelin songs are not used in movies in general? I guess I am biased because of the way I feel about Zeppelin’s music. However, there is probably something in Zep’s back catalogue for every kind of emotional moment. The average casual Marvel fan probably only knows two or three Zeppelin songs. Zeppelin stopped making music in 1980 when I was just two years old due to the sad death of drummer John Bohnam, perhaps the greatest rock drummer of all time. However, the band have such a presence still in pop culture that I often run into fans that are far younger than I. Even I’m too young to be a first generation Zeppelin fan.
What do you think of Waititi’s comments as he explains how important ‘Immigrant Song’ was for Thor: Ragnarok. What other movies could be with some Zeppelin tracks, Marvel or otherwise? Leave your thoughts below as always.
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SOURCE: Pizza Film School