The Batman: Matt Reeves Confirms Ben Affleck Is Still On Board

For the first part of the year, a lot of the drama we covered revolved around The Batman. First Ben Affleck left, then Matt Reeves hopped on board, and since then, there’s been a bit of flip-flopping as to whether or not the script is being rewritten. Furthermore, we still have no idea if they plan on using Deathstroke as the villain, as Ben Affleck had planned when he was director.

But the questions don’t really stop there. Ever since Affleck started waffling as to his involvement as director of The Batman, and ever since his latest film, Live by Night flopped, he only seemed to distance himself from the DCEU all the more. Some even speculated that he was looking for an escape hatch from the universe, and from the character Batman. Between the critical failures of both his last movie, the recent DC films, as well as his personal hardships, it made sense.

But is that really what’s happening, or is that fans just talking? Speaking with Getty, The Batman director Matt Reeves said the following when asked if Affleck would be taking the up cowl again.

“Yeah, right now that’s exactly what’s going on, yeah, for sure.”

It’s worth noting that he seemed a bit confused when the question was asked, so it certainly seems like the that may have been a thought that never entered his mind. Granted, I’m venturing into speculation here, but it seems like any talk or discussion of Affleck actually leaving the project has all been created based on minimal-to-no information on the subject.

All we can say is, we can’t wait to see what Reeves brings to the table with this one.

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SOURCE: Getty (via Batman-News)

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