Comic book fans everywhere were very surprised last week when Marvel’s Brian Michael Bendis announced via Twitter that he was leaving Marvel to join DC in January, 2018. The story was such a big deal it made the New York Times and Washington Post. But what was the reason behind the move? Thanks to an interview Bendis gave via phone to we now have an answer to that question.
According to Bendis, his choice to jump over to DC Comics came while he visited Cleveland, Ohio for his brother’s wedding. While there he visited the Cleveland Library where he saw the Superman exhibit.
“I was in town for my brother’s wedding and I went to the library, which was so important to me growing up, and I saw the Superman display,” he said, “It was a flood of impressions and Cleveland connections. While looking at the Superman artifacts, I realized that I had not climbed the DC mountain and I needed to.”
The Superman exhibit at the library is scheduled to conclude at the end of this year. Bendis said that his contract with Marvel was up for renewal, but he had been contemplating going over to DC Comics, but found that decision very difficult to make. DC kept coming at him with different offers. He did not even know about the Superman exhibit and only went to the library officials to meet with them regarding an offer they had made him to exhibit his work.
“I just had a landmark (50th) birthday and I had lost a lot of weight and I was thinking about what else I could do to scare myself. What could I do next? DC was coming at me pretty hard with offers that were hard to resist. But it was not until I walked into the library that everything came together. I remembered how much I connected with Superman, how I was an artist during the 1988 Superman convention in Cleveland (The Neverending Battle celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Man of Steel.) Somehow, I did not know about the exhibit,” he said. “When I walked in and saw it, I felt like the library was my own personal museum that I needed to see and walk through. I then realized I had to take DC up on their offer, it was so head-turning that I really could not refuse.”
So it turns out that it was the legacy of the Man of Steel, Superman, that convinced Bendis to go over to DC Comics. Throughout his career at Marvel he has had the opportunity to write stories featuring almost everyone of their catalog of characters. Including some he introduced himself like Miles Morales, Jessica Jones and Riri Williams. His current run on Marvel titles The Invincible Iron Man, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones and Defenders will continue until the end of the year.
It is unknown what projects DC Comics has planned for Bendis, but we can speculate that it could be a Superman title. What if DC Comics uses Bendis to bring back Superboy Prime? Or how about giving him a shot at Blue Beetle? Let us know what titles you think Bendis should be on in the comments below!
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