ABC’s nostalgia laced series, The Goldbergs, is heading to Disneyland. The show’s seventh season will begin with a tribute to the classic 80s film, National Lampoon’s Vacation, that starred Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo, and spawned a few subpar sequels, Deadline reports.
Everyone’s favorite ‘smother’, Beverly Goldberg, wants one last family vacation before the older siblings leave the nest and head off to college. I can’t imagine the family has a smooth road ahead for this trip, judging by the movie it’s based on.
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Anthony Michael Hall who starred at Rusty Griswald in the original film will make an appearance in the episode and Christie Brinkley will make a cameo. The show is no stranger to basing episodes off popular 80s films and concepts and some of the series’ best episodes have come from this practice.
The Goldbergs return for their seventh season September 25.
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Source: Deadline