The Good Place: Where Season 3 Will Take Us

The Good Place has always been a show of crazy, high-minded concepts — concepts really boiled down to their human essence. As crazy and weird as things got, they were always careful to bring it back down to humanity, and that eventually led them back to Earth. Oh yeah, if you haven’t had a chance to watch the first two seasons of The Good Place, now’s a time to check out, because this is one of those shows you definitely shouldn’t have spoiled for you.

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After spending two seasons in the afterlife, our main group of hell-dwellers was given a chance to put their lives back on track in the real world after they’re given a nudge in the right direction from their Guardian angel (demon?), Michael. Though while it’s easy to someone like Eleanor to do right after facing a near-death experience, that enthusiasm can wane after a while, which we got a taste of at the end of the season. According to creator Michael Schur, we’ll likely be getting a bit more of that:

“[It’s] like a New Year’s resolution story. It’s very easy to go to the gym on January 4th. But on January 19th and March 3rd and May 16th… it gets a little harder every day.”

Makes sense, but with the next season taking place (or at least starting out) on Earth, some of you may be worried the show would be losing its magical quality. If that is a concern, don’t worry, as Schur has made a point to retain its magical essence:

“We figured out stories where, at least once per episode, something very non-terrestrial happens.”

Sounds legit. but you don’t have to sell me. I’ll already be there on day one, come September 27. What about you? Will you be checking out The Good Place for its third season? Let us know down below!

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